Program Profile

Scholarship Programs for Japanese Students

Under the philosophy of "equal opportunity for education" as stipulated in the Constitution and the Fundamental Law of Education, we provide scholarships for achieving students who find it difficult to study due to financial reasons.

Support Programs for International Students

With globalization, Japan is expected to enhance the international competitiveness of the education and research level of universities and to strategically acquire academically outstanding international students, and it is also expected to encourage young people to study abroad in order to develop global human resources who will play an active role on the world stage. JASSO implements various support programs for both the acceptance and dispatch of international students to further promote international student exchanges.

Student Support Programs

JASSO aids universities and other such institutions in carrying out career education/employment support and support for disabled students, by collecting and providing best practices, surveys, trainings, and other relevant items.

Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs)

JASSO's programs contribute to the achievement of UN Sustainable Development Goal(SDGs)#4"Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all".


Please download the brochure "JASSO OUTLINE 2024-2025 " to know more about JASSO and its programs.

Cover of JASSO OUTLINE 2024-2025