1. Date and Time
Saturday, June 22, 2019
12:50pm - 5:30pm
2. Venue
Hyogo International House
1-2-8 Wakinohamacho, Chuo-ku, Kobe-shi, Hyogo
3. Organizer
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)
4. Cooperation
MEXT scholars Association (MSA),The Consortium of Universities in Hyogo
5. Participants
MEXT Scholars, University staff
6. Number of Participants
7. Schedule
(1)Main Reception (12:50pm-1:50pm/3F Multi-Purpose Hall)
・Wadaiko (Japanese Drums) Performance (University of Marketing and Distribution Sciences)
・Greeting from Mr. Kengo Iwamoto, Deputy Director-General, Higher Education Bureau, MEXT
・Greeting from Mr. Tomoya Yoshioka, President, JASSO
・Greeting and introduction of MSA’s Activities, Mr. Yee Kien Chong
・Greeting from a Senior MEXT Scholar, Mr. Gustavo Dore, CEO of Motify
・Group Photo
(2)Booth Consultation (2:00pm-3:55pm/1F Lounge)
・Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT)
・Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO)
・MEXT Scholars Association (MSA)
・The Consortium of Universities in Hyogo
・Japan Association for Promotion of Internationalization (JAPI)
・Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
・Ministry of Justice (Immigration Bureau of Japan)
・Hyogo Tourism Association
Offering of Documents & Materials:
・Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Japan Foundation)
・The Government of Japan (JAPAN LIBRARY)
・Japan Tourism Agency (Japan National Tourism Organization)
・Japan Arts Council (National Noh Theatre)
・National Consumer Affairs Center of Japan
・Kyoto Tourism
・Aichi Prefectural Government
・Osaka Employment Service Center for Foreigners
・Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution
(3)Japanese Culture Experience (2:00pm-3:55pm)
・Noh Workshop by National Noh Theatre (2F Seminar Room 1)
・Japanese Tea Ceremony by Hyogo University (2F Lounge)
(4)Seminars by Senior MEXT Scholars (2:00pm-3:55pm)
・「How to prepare yourself for finding job in Japan」 (3F Multi-Purpose Hall)
・「Job hunting in Japan」「Developing your own research network」 (2F Seminar Room 2)
・「Becoming a researcher in Japan」「Advice for your research career」 (2F Seminar Room 3)
・「The job as a Professor (tentative)」「The experience of research activities in Japan (tentative)」 (1F Seminar Room) *These seminars were given in Japanese.
(5)Networking Party 【Organized by MSA】 (4:00pm-5:30pm/3F Multi-Purpose Hall)
Reception for MEXT Scholars 2019 in Hyogo, organized by MEXT and JASSO, was held for MEXT Scholars, who recently started studying in Japan, in order to offer the opportunities of getting information for life and study in Japan, Japanese culture experience, networking among colleagues.
- Back number
- Contact
- Strategy Planning Unit Student Exchange Programs Planning Division Student Exchange Department, Japan Student Services Organization
- TEL 03-5520-6012
- E-mail tiecproject at mark jasso.go.jp
- Please convert "at mark" to @ when you send an e-mail to us.