Social Finance

About Social Finance Framework

JASSO issues social bonds and procures social loans in accordance with the following Social Finance Framework based on the Social Bond Principles*1 as defined by ICMA and the Social Loan Principles*2 as published by the LMA and other organizations.

About Social Bond

The Social Bond is a bond issued to raise funds for projects that help to resolve social issues (Social Projects), as defined by the ICMA (International Capital Market Association) in its Social Bond Principles, and are bonds targeted for ESG investment*3.

About Social Loan

The Social Loan is a loan issued to raise funds for projects that help to resolve social issues (Social Projects), as defined by the LMA and others in its Social Loan Principles, and are loans targeted for ESG investment.

Impact Report

Impact reports on JASSO Social Finance (JASSO Social Bonds and social loans) have been published as below.

External Review

From the 52nd to the 71st bonds issuance, JASSO received a second-party opinion for each issuance from Moody's Japan(Formerly known as Moody's ESG Solutions and Vigeo Eiris)in order to ensure alignment with the Social Bond Principles by the ICMA.
JASSO Bonds since the 72nd Series and private sector borrowings since April 2023 are based on the Social Finance Framework, which acquired a second-party opinion from Japan Credit Rating Agency, Ltd. as being in compliance with the Social Bond Principles 2021, Social Loan Principles 2023 and the Social Bond Guidelines (formulated by the Financial Services Agency).