The score range of sections for EJU’s “Japanese as a Foreign Language” has been revised since 2010.
Accordingly, the scores of EJU’s “Japanese as a Foreign Language” examined during 2008~2009 will be converted along with the revised score range if using the scores for the application of admission for universities (undergraduate level) and other higher educational institutions.
JASSO will provide the following conversion formula.
[Conversion formula]
“Writing” section
Former | New |
- | 50 |
6 | 45 |
5 | 40 |
4 | 33 |
3 | 25 |
2 | 20 |
1 | 10 |
0 | 0 |
“Reading comprehension”, and “Listening and Listening-Reading comprehension” sections
新「聴解・聴読解」:New “listening and listening-reading comprehension”
旧「聴解」:Former “listening comprehension”
旧「聴読解」:Former “listening and reading comprehension”
新「読解」:New “reading comprehension”
旧「読解」:Former “reading comprehension”
Both values rounded off at the first decimal place will be regarded as the converted scores. However, when the converted score exceeds the revised range of scores (0≦new “listening and listening-reading comprehension” ≦200 and 0≦new ” reading comprehension”≦200:
the converted score which is more than 200, shall be equal to 200, or
the converted score which less than 0, shall be 0.