TIEC International Symposium 2018




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1.Title of the Symposium

Negotiating “Pop-Texts”: Toward a Dialogic Development of Japanese Culture


What are Pop-Texts? The texts are created, produced and read in form of combination of visuals, voices/speech, and letters format such as manga and animation, and needless to say these texts are integral part of literature and various ‘art’ forms that considered ‘high culture’ in general.
In this symposium, researchers and artists from various regions get together to discuss and we will clarify the global/glocal pop-texts.



Sunday, January 13, 2019, From10:00am to 17:30pm


International Conference Hall, Plaza Heisei 3F, Tokyo International Exchange Center
Address: Tokyo Academic Park, 2-2-1 Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo Japan
3 minutes walk from "Fune-no-Kagakukan"station on "Yurikamome" line
15 minutes walk from "Tokyo Teleport" station on "Rinkai" line

6.Number of Participants





(Japanese-English simultaneous translations will be provided)

Time Details
10:00-10:20 Opening
Japan Student Services Organization Opening Speech
University of Tsukuba Opening Speech
10:30-13:00 Session1
“The Glocalization of Pop-Texts: Manga in Japan and Beyond”
Manga is glocal pop-texts---both local and global. We are to talk about glocalization of manga as pop-texts in the U.K, Algeria, Quebec (Canada), China, Japan and elsewhere.
14:30-17:00 Session2
“International Pop Collaborations and Proliferation of Haruki’s World”
Translators, illustrators and scholars from Germany, Italy, Turkey and Japan talk about Haruki Murakami’s works as globalized intermedial pop-texts.
17:10-17:30 Closing
  • This symposium is subsidized by the Nakajima Foundation
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Assistance Planning Unit
Student Exchange Programs Planning Division
Student Exchange Department
Japan Student Services Organization
  • TEL 03-5520-6012
  • E-mail nak at mark jasso.go.jp
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