This event is implemented for promoting interaction among participants and forming intellectual networks.
TIEC residents introduced what they study at thier university or institute through Oral Presentation.
*This time, we held the event without audience due to COVID-19. We took a video of the event and published it on our YouTube channel "TIEC&HIH channel" for a period of time.
1.Date and Time
Saturday, January 16, 2021
International Conference Hall, Plaza Heisei 3F,
Tokyo International Exchange Center (TIEC),
2-2-1 Aomi, Koto-ku, Tokyo
1.Opening address
Mr. Ryosuke Makino
Director, Student Exchange Programs Planning Division, Student Exchange Department
2.Oral Presentation
(1) Mr. Ilmor Juenge Filho
(Brazil / Aoyama Gakuin University)
Presentation Title: Innovation Implementation Effectiveness: the Role of Institutions and Organisational Independency. A Worldwide Customs Administrations Study
Comment: Dear residents, thank you for allocating your time to watch the 68th TIEC Research and Presentation event. We are all part of a community that shares not only the same building. Still, we have quite similar objectives (academic and professional) and equivalent personal feelings (separated from our family or home country). Let this event be an opportunity for us to build bonds that might go beyond an ordinary neighbourhood relation. Please, feel free to make questions, comments and observations about the research or any other subject. Feedback is always welcome, whatever.
(2) Mr. Ju Hyung Kim
(Republic of Korea / National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies)
Presentation Title: Japan's security contribution vis-a-vis South Korea: from the Korean War to the post-Cold War era
Comment: At the present juncture, South Korea and Japan are at loggerheads. Although there are lots of plausible reasons for such an impasse, a sound relationship between the two is a sine qua non for the peace and security in the Far East region. I thus thought it is worth exploring the modern history of South Korea - Japan security cooperation and find some clues for the current era. It will be a great privilege to share your thoughts on this seemingly unsolvable topic.
(3) Mr. Bezhko Mikhail
(Russia / Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Presentation Title: Study on Resonant Tunneling Diode Terahertz Oscillator
Comment: Dear friends, thank you for your interest in novel electronic technologies and my research field. You are very welcomed at my presentation and do not hesitate to ask me any questions. I believe that this nice event is not only to share our knowledge and experience, but to find new friends as well.
Regarding questions to the presenters and the answers to the questions, please refer to the file below.
*Currently, new questions are not available.
Awards for Good Question
3 people who asked especially good questions received the prize.
(1)L(USA / Graduate student)
Question to Mr. Ilmor Juenge Filho:
(Original sentence)Thank you for your presentation. I understand that you did not have any final conclusion about corruption in your presentation. However, it is commonly suggested that corruption is a major reason why innovations are unable to scale up particularly in lower and middle-income countries. Based on your research and experience, what would you suggest would be a way to curb corruptive practices towards innovation? For example, would easing the burden of administration be encouraging more corruption - even if it also encourages innovation?
Answer from Mr. Ilmor Juenge Filho:
(Original sentence) Thanks for your question. Since there is the common belief that Corruption is one of the responsible for hindering the implementation of innovations that we decided to add it to the model and test its influence, exactly as you mentioned. However, the results regarding the Customs Innovation Implementation Effectiveness showed that Corruption does NOT play an important role (in this specific process, it is important to note). Particularly, I understand that the reduction of the Regulatory Burden by simplifying the procedures contributes to reducing Corruption since the more complex is the administrative process more opportunities for illegal practices can be explored by corrupt agents. Additionally, the implementation of Innovations itself, especially the ones the automatize procedures and reduce human interaction, might contribute to the reduction of Corruption since it is an illegal practice directly attached to the agent-taxpayer contact, obviously.
(2)Anonymous(Japan / Employee・Public servant(including exective, director))
Question to Mr. Ju Hyung Kim:
(Tentative translation)Thank you for your presentation. I have one question. Do you think the relationship between South Korea and Japan will change due to the conflict between the United States and China?
Answer from Mr. Ju Hyung Kim:
(Original sentence) I guess it depends on the level of conflict between the US and China; the type of conflict consists of multiple scenarios, ranging from economic retaliation to armed conflict concerning the territorial issue. If the degree of conflict is relatively not so severe (clash of economic interest between US and China), South Korea and Japan will try to equidistance the G2 countries and attempt to minimize the negative economic ramifications; along the way, the South Korea-Japan relationship will not likely veer off from the current course. However, if the US and China involve in a territorial dispute–on Diaoyu/Senkaku island or Taiwan–or conduct naval skirmish that hampers the SLOC (Sea Line Of Communication), South Korea and Japan will have to take sides. Given the recent developments, it is likely that Japan will support the US (in line with the Indo-Pacific Strategy) while South Korea will be not so enthusiastic in taking a clear-cut stance; such discrepancy will likely create a crevice between South Korea and Japan.
In a nutshell, the more the conflict between the G2 escalates into an armed conflict, it is likely to further estrange the South Korean-Japan relationship.
(3)Anonymous(Japan / Employee・Public servant(including exective, director))
Question to Mr. Bezhko Mikhail:
(Original sentence) My question is not related to technical matters, so I'm not sure if my question is suitable to ask you, but my question is:
According to the graph of page 2 of your presentation, new generation technologies have appeared in each decade, like 3G at 2000, 4G at 2010, 5G at 2020. And 6G are expected to appear at 2030.Do you think further technologies will also appear in every decade in the future?And what kind of things are expected that people can do with 7G?
Answer from Mr. Bezhko Mikhail:
(Original sentence) Thank you very much for your question. Yes, I believe new technology generations would continue to appear around every decade. Also I believe that technology would advance in that areas where we need it. For example, 5G technologies are already covering current and near future data rate needs for mobile phones. So probably next generations of mobile phone networks would improve network stability and security rather than maximum data rate.
5.Viewing fee
*Everyone can view the videos
Japanese and English (Original voice and simultaneous interpretation voice)
- Back number
- The 77th Research and Presentation by TIEC Residents
- The 76th Research and Presentation by TIEC Residents
- The 75th Research and Presentation (ONLINE) by TIEC Residents
- The 74th Research and Presentation(ONLINE)by TIEC Residents
- The 73rd Research and Presentation (ONLINE) by TIEC Residents
- The 72nd Research and Presentation (ONLINE) by TIEC Residents
- The 71st TIEC and The 17th HIH Research and Presentation (Global Understanding Workshop)
- The 70th Research and Presentation (ONLINE) by TIEC Residents
- The 69th Research and Presentation (ONLINE) by TIEC Residents
- The 68th Research and Presentation (ONLINE) by TIEC Residents
- The 67th Research and Presentation (ONLINE) by TIEC Residents
- The 66th Research and Presentation by TIEC Residents(January 18th, 2020)
- The 65th Research and Presentation by TIEC Residents
- The 64th Research and Presentation by TIEC Residents
- The 63rd Research and Presentation by TIEC Residents
- The 62nd Research and Presentation by TIEC Residents
- The 61st Research and Presentation by TIEC Residents
- The 60th Research and Presentation by TIEC Residents
- The 59th Research and Presentation by TIEC Residents
- The 58th Research and Presentation by TIEC Residents
- The 57th Research and Presentation by TIEC Residents
- The 56th Research and Presentation by TIEC Residents
- The 55th Research and Presentation by TIEC Residents
- The 54th Research and Presentation by TIEC Residents
- The 53rd Research and Presentation by TIEC Residents
- The 52nd Research and Presentation by TIEC Residents
- The 51st Research and Presentation by TIEC Residents
- The 50th Research and Presentation by TIEC Residents
- The 48th Research and Presentation by TIEC Residents
- The 47th Research and Presentation by TIEC Residents
- The 46th Research and Presentation by TIEC Residents
- The 45th Research and Presentation by TIEC Residents
- The 44th Research and Presentation by TIEC Residents
- The 43rd Research and Presentation by TIEC Residents
- The 42nd Research and Presentation by TIEC Residents
- The 41st Research and Presentation by TIEC Residents
- The 40th Research and Presentation by TIEC Residents
- The 39th Research and Presentation by TIEC Residents
- The 38th Research and Presentation by TIEC Residents
- Contact
- Strategy Planning Unit, Student Exchange Programs Planning Division, Student Exchange Department, Japan Student Services Organization
- TEL 03-5520-6012
- E-mail tiecproject at mark jasso.go.jp
- Please convert "at mark" to @ when you send an e-mail to us.