EJU Online is a website designated for online use of various services related to the examination.
Application/Score Confirmation Page
- The website page used to confirm individual and group applications and scores (in both the batch registration format and the individual application collective format).
- Upon logging onto a My Page on the following [EJU Online]Application/Score Confirmation Page with the My Page ID used at the time of application, it is possible to confirm your scores.
*Individuals creating a My Page website within the past two years may apply using that same ID. In such cases, there is no need to produce a new My Page website.
[Examples of ability to apply with same ID]
- When taking the examinations offered for the sessions in June and November of the same year
- When taking the examinations offered for the sessions in November and in June of the following year
Score Confirmation Exclusive Pages
- The website page used by examinees completing group applications (batch registration format) in Japan, as well as all examinees taking the examination overseas to confirm their examination scores.
- Creating a My Page on the following [EJU Online]Score Confirmation Exclusive Page makes it possible to confirm scores.
*When My Page websites have been created for past examinations, the same ID may be used to access and confirm your scores. In such cases, there is no need to produce a new My Page.
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